Shapes Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Mary Miles

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Lesson Plan Title: Math - Working With Shapes and Patterns/Graphing

Concept/Topic To Teach: Shape Recognition, Patterns, Graphing Shapes

Pre-Assessment Plan Or Activity: During the morning message the students were asked to recognize shapes and patterns of shapes.

Teacher Prep: Prepare graph chart paper, copy papers, get shaped blocks out with laminated papers, have shape pages ready for tracing. Set up centers. Make sure all equipment and materials listed below are available.

Duration: One hour

Experience/Exploration Concepts: How are shapes the same or different. What are the odds of pulling out a shape from a bag of 9 different shapes? How can we use different colored shapes within a pattern?

Standards/Benchmarks/GLCE’S Addressed:

Number and Operations

Count, write, and order numbers.

N.ME.00.01 Count objects in sets up to 30.

GEOMETRY Create, explore, and describe shapes.

G.GS.00.02 Identify, sort, and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong in a particular group.

Explore geometric patterns

G.GS.00.03 Create, describe, and extend simple geometric patterns.

General Goals/Rationale(s): Graph 9 different shapes in order of the way each looks. Count shapes within a graph. Look for patterns within a line of shapes. Recognize 9 different shapes.

Specific Objectives:

1. Students will be able to count and order shapes within a graph.

2. Students will be able to count shapes up to 30 or more in a graph.

3. Students will be able to create, explore, and describe shapes.

4. Students will be able to identify, sort, and classify shapes by attribute and identify the ones that do not belong in a particular group.

5. Students will be able to create, describe, and extend simple geometric patterns such as triangles, squares, rectangles, stars, ovals, circles, hearts, octagons and diamonds.

Required Materials:

1. Nine different wooden shapes in containers and picture cards to match.

2. Copied paper activity pages of shapes.

3. Graph paper on poster paper and cut out shapes in bag.

4. Markers, crayons, pencils.

5. Shapes pages for tracing from box.

6. White boards and dry eraser markers.

Instructional Procedures: Students will travel from center to center hitting three centers to participate in shape activities.

a) Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): The students were introduced to the shape graph earlier in the morning and told what they would be doing at each center. Students were asked to recognize each of the nine shapes, triangles, squares, rectangles, stars, ovals, circles, hearts, octagons and diamonds.

b) Presentation:

Center 1 – Teacher center: The teacher will show students the shapes being used on the graph paper as a reminder. The teacher will then ask the students to pull one shape from the bag per student and place on the graph. The teacher will review with the students the shapes and the patterns made with shapes. If time the teacher will have students do shapes activity pages.

Center 2 – The adult in charge of the center will have students trace and draw shapes on the laminated pages. Each child will try different pages and the pages will be rotated among the students during the center. The adult will have students draw shapes on white boards if time.

Center 3 – The adult in charge of the center will have students match up the desired shape with what they see on the picture pages offered to them. The students will have the opportunity to try a number of different picture pages.

c) Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): The teacher will discuss the results of the shapes graph and count the shapes pulled from the bag by each student.

Step-By-Step Procedures: See centers above for information

Plan For Independent Practice: Drawing and practicing the shapes activity pages.

Ending Assessment Based On Objectives: Ask students what shapes they recognize on the graph and pull names to find out what students know.

Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities): One on one attention

Extensions (For Gifted Students): Using the white boards during choice time the students will have the opportunity to write shapes on the boards and make different designs.

Possible Connections To Other Subjects: None

Special Notes Or Things To Consider For This Lesson: Watch time on the centers students can not go over 15 minutes per rotation.